Thursday, December 6, 2007

Jin Karla, Jin Celia and Jin Felipe in need of sponsors

Photo of the Jingmen orphanage

In the Jingmen orphanage are now many children waiting for sponsors so they can move into the Grace and Hope Foster Programme.
On our list are now Jin Karla, Jin Celia and Jin Felipe.
The Hubei provincial protocol asks not to publish their photos in order to protect the privacy of these children.
Once a Jingmen child has found a sponsor, of course the sponsor will receive all available photos coming with the quarterly followup reports.
From my personal experience I can truly tell these photos will touch your heart and it gives so much joy to see the child connecting to the new familymembers. You give by sponsoring but gain so much more to know your money at least reaches 1 more orphan to give it a better life day by day.

With the Christmas season coming I hope more families will consider the option to sponsor a Jingmen child.
Now Jin Karla, Jin Celia or Jin Felipe are waiting to move from the orphanage to a home with a father and a mother for themselves.
Sponsorship will cost $35 a month. Only some percents will go to the administrative costs for Grace and Hope.

Please feel free to forward this information to your family, relatives, and friends.

Together we can truly Bring Joy To Jingmen!

Thank you for your help.

Marjanne Laeven

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