Tuesday, March 18, 2008

4 year old Celia is proud to have a mom and dad!

On October 1 2007 Celia moved from the orphanage to a Jingmen foster family.
Celia is a 4 year old girl who is very happy to have a family of her own, as this story will tell you.
Foster mom told GHC that one day Celia was shouted at by other children that she was an orphan. Proudly she yelled to the children; "I have a mom!!"
Every day when foster mom comes to take her home from school she excitedly runs to foster mom and holds her.
She is a good-understanding girl who often helps doing little works in the householding like cleaning the table after meals
"Dad", she often says to foster father, "I love you so much".
Foster sister has gone to college but often asks her mom for an update how Celia is doing.
Lately she chatted with Celia by internet!
This story is proving how foster care benefits the life of a child who's destiny used to be to live in the orphanage.Celia is truly blossoming in her family.

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