Monday, February 4, 2008

Emergency Update: Grace and Hope staff called Hubei orphanages

Children's beds in Jingmen orphanage

The staff has called each orphanage. As it is further north than Guangxi, they are cold but they are ok. Grace and Hope works in Hubei in the following orphanages:
Dawu,HuangGang,HuangMei,JingMen,Qichun,WuXue and Xiangfan.

The biggest problem is that there are many kids who are still in the orphanage. In one orphanage, they put two rooms of children in one room where there was heat. Two children share a bed. They are having a difficult time finding qualified foster parents and the foster parents that they do find want to foster older children rather than babies. The best way to help in Hubei is to get the children out of the orphanage.
Quite a few of the directors are now wanting to place more children in the foster care programs.

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